Quest:Eglain Task: Blackened Fur

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Eglain Task: Blackened Fur
Level 20
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Tasks Bulletin Board
Starts at The Forsaken Inn
Start Region Lone-lands
Map Ref [34.0S, 40.7W]
Ends with Lieva Dourlily
Ends at The Forsaken Inn
Quest Group Task
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Needed: Blackened fur for a personal project. Please deliver the fur to Lieva Dourlily at The Forsaken Inn. No coin involved, but the effort would be appreciated.


An unlikely collection has been requested by one of the workers at The Forsaken Inn. The request is for a large collection of blackened fur. This fur can be found on many of the beasts within the western sections of the Lone-lands.

Objective 1

You accepted a task to acquire tufts of blackened fur for Lieva Dourlily, a worker at The Forsaken Inn in the Lone-lands. You can find the fur on the beasts in the area of the western Lone-lands.